Nógrádsipek | |||||
Normál változat Hívogató! A falu fekvése, természeti adottságai Természeti értékek a faluban A falu története Látnivalók Kultúrtörténeti értékek Etnográfia, népviselet Programok Rendezvények Deutsch In English Alapítványok Egyházi élet Civil szervezetek Közintézmények Képtár VENDÉGHÁZAK Uniós pályázat ÖNKORMÁNYZAT Önkormányzat intézményei KÖZÉRDEKŰ HIRDETÉS Befektetés Önkormányzat döntéseivel kapcsolatos ügyiratok Testületi ülések jegyzőkönyvei Szervezeti és Működési Szabályzat Az önkormányzat rendeletei | The region was first mentioned in a written document in the form of "Terra- Chipeg" in 1265; it was a desert at that time. The village was held by the archbishop of Esztergom in 1438. Between 1461 and 1481 it belonged to the demesne of Szécsény. In 1562 Ibrahim bin Hasszán, the provost of Esztrergom held possession of the settlement. According to the national nobiliary census of 1754-1755 the members of the Balás family were the landlords of the village at that time.The Roman Catholic Church was built around 1750. The Balas family used to have four mansions in Nógrádsipek. The mansion in the vicinity of the church and the one opposite it are especially beautiful: these castles dating from the second half of the 18th century were built in rustic Baroque style. The village is situated in the heart of the Cserhát Mountains, it is surrounded by mountains covered with forests and a countrywide touring route leads through it. The charm of the hidden settlement lies in its isolation: the conditions for the development of country tourism are favourable in the village. A dressmakers saloon works in Nógrádsipek. | ||||
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