

Normál változat

2013. május 20-án DÉDESI VÁSÁR!!!


A falu fekvése, természeti adottságai

A falu története

A "leromlott vár"

"A reformáció terjedésének határa"

Műemlékek, látnivalók

Lázbérci-víztározó és környéke

A falu gazdasági élete


In English




Civil szervezetek


Közbeszerzési terv - 2009.



I/1 és I/3 Önkormányzatok, Körjegyzőségi Hivatal

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Our region is situated in the Northern mountain range at the foot of the Bükk hills.
A for our history, we can generally say that the history of the settlements go back to the Árpád-era (10 th century). Pre-historic and ancient finds refer to the presence of early civilisation; traces of prehistoric man and of cave-bears (Ursusu spelaeus) were found in the Uppony-hills. The booming Middle Ages are represented by 13th century mansions. Following the failure at Eger the hordes of Hassan pasha relentlessly conquered the neigbouring castles and villages one after the other. The Turkish oppression and the heavy taxes they imposed drove the villagers away from their homes. The epidemics of the Middle Ages, leprosy and plague, decimated the people. The six meter high cross on the top of the Uppony cliff is the symbolic hallmark of the spread of the Reformation. This is why in the villages north and west of this point we can find Catholic churches in the main street, while the villages in the south and east will have a Calvinist church. As a result of the 18th century industrialisation and the positive demographic laws the villages saw their poéulations grow again. They developed into booming centres of iron-making. The forges used the ores mined in the Uppony-hills. At the end of the lasr century cholera took its victims and then the fire originally used for stemming it burnt down nearly all of the thatchedroofed houses. In the summer of 1913 a deluge followed by a devastating flood caused serions damage. And now, please take a little tour with me!
Dédestapolcsány is situated in the fabulous valley of the Bán river and borders the Bükk National Park and the Lázbérc Reservoir, a Distric of Landscape Conservatorion. It was established in 1950 by combining two villages dating back to the 10th century: Dédes and Bántapolcsány. The people from Dédes are referred to as „barkó”. The use of colours is rather disharmonic here. Another characteristic of the villagers is the frequent use of the word „probably”. This goes back to the atrocities of the wars and is a sign of a positive image of the future and a healthy egoism. Tapolcsány is a world of Slavic origin. It means „lined with poplars”. The peopele from Tapolcsány are the „tót” (Slovaks). According to the testimony of a 13th century document Dédes was named after a serf called Dedus (ancestor), whi was fighting to regain al the land in the neighbourhood. Tapolcsány is mentioned in a royal document in Visegrád in f1398 as an estate of the castle. One of its cultivated areas outside the limits of the village is called Garanna, which means „field belonging to the castle estate”. It is often said that life comes to a halt in the country. This is true. That is why one has the time to enjoy the beauty of the countryside. The villages hiding at the foot of the Bükk hills with the river Bán running through them offer an unforgettable, astonishing sight. If we look at the rock above Dédestapolcsány we can see the Catholic curch below. Opposite stands the eclectic building of the Serényi mansion. A short walk will take us to the memorial of the dead heroes and then to the Reformed churchs listed building. Inside, the restored wooden ceiling panels remind us of the original baroque building, which was built here in 1801. Since 15 February 1924 Dédestapolcsány has had the right to hold fairs.
Thus on the third Monday of May and September every year the Dédes Fair provides a place t all kinds of artisaqns offering their goods, which range from the wooden bowls to harnesses, wicker baskets and the sort. Visitors are welcome at a wide range of cultural events. (tel.: (48) 501-033). The exhibition of the leading veterinary surgeons collection of pottery and earthenware, which consists of some 2000 items, is well worth seeing. (tel: (48) 340-185). Another attraction of the village is the memorial tombstone for Árpád Lajos, ethnographic researcher. Next we will stop at the building of the Reformed Church in Tapolcsány.
The grey paint on the walls inside covers a 17th century decoration of rose and tulip patterns, the restoration of which is to start in the near future. A longer walk will take us to the Lázbérc reservoir situated among the picturesque lime cliffs of the Uppony hills. It is a reservoir containing 6 million m3 of fresh water and also serves as a popular angling spot. Every year there are three new hatchings of fish, mainly carp and amur, which are put in the 15 meter deep lake. Along the vast surface of water we reach the Uppony rock, which is a breathtakingly beautiful natural formation.


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