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Civil szervezetek


VI. Nemzetközi Diófesztivál értékelése


A VII. Nemzetközi Diófesztivál értékelése

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Az önkormányzat rendeletei


Milota is situatid along the hungarian- ukranian border in the east corner of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, in the embrace of the river Tisza. It is an ancient village, at the time of conquest it had residents. There is a legend referring to that period. According to this legend, Árpád buried Melota here, on the place of the old village, so finally, the village got this name. It was mentioned in the deed of gift in 1344, which was given to the Kölcsey family by Lajos Nagy. Péter Kölcsey and Zsigmond possessed the holding in 1642 by a new deed og gift. Milota was a serf village until 1848, but next to the 92 socages there were also 18 noble families in the village, but the Kölcseys were the leaders. The serfs and nobles lived according to the habits of that time, fighted with the rise of Tisza, the troops of Tatars and Turkish, then later in the Kuruts-labanc time the troops made their fates uncertain. The Kölcsey familys region was calvinist, and supported the Church and according to a dokument from 1770, two estates were given to the congregation. There are two versions what is the reason of being here today. According to the story of Ádám H.Kiss, the german garrison of szatmár settled the village, and destroyed the houses. The residents lost everything. According to the other version they had to search another place because of the permanent flood of the river Tisza, so the people settled down on a higher area. The paper- shell nut is popular all over the world. The most popular one is the so called M10. Natural sight is the white aspen plantation on the side of the Tisza, which was pronunced natural value by the local self-government. There are bathing, fishing and boating possibilities for the tourists. In the mine lake there are sometimes pike perches of 10 kgs and glanises of 40 kgs. There is a traditional festival in the village every year. The International Nutfestival of Milota was first organised in 2002, which had gastronomical specialities for the visitors, as a memory of the famous nut of Milota.

weboldal készítésMilota Község Önkormányzatának hivatalos honlapja