

A falu fekvése, természeti adottságai

A falu története

Műemlékek, látnivalók

Mozgó képek Nógrádmegyerről

Akire büszkék vagyunk

A falu gazdasági élete






Civil szervezetek



In English



 Accessibility: The village of Nógrádmegyer is located east of the town os Szécsény along a subsidiary road to main road number 22. The settlement is 20 km from Salgótarján and 15 from Szécsény. As it does not have a railway line Nógrádmegyer is accessible only by road.
Characteristics: The name of the village of Nógrádmegyer was first mentioned in 1292. At that time settlement was owned by the Rátót family. The village had a parsonage has early as 1332. In the 13th and 14th centuries the village changed hands several times. Around the middle of the 16th century the village was under Turkish authority the independent self-government of the village was formed in 1990. Unlike many other villages in the county, the population of Nógrádmegyer shows a slight increase. The majority of the population is Roman Catholic. 40 % of the population belong to the gypsy minority.
Sights: Although it is not a protected nature reserve, the village of Nógrádmegyer is surrounded by beautiful pine acacia and oak forests. One of the main sights of the settlement is the Roman Catholic Church built in late Baroque style. The current church was built between 1785 and 94 on the ruins of the former church constructed in the late 17th century. The old church was destroyed by the 1775 fire. The present tower was built in 1890. The former Szerémy-Paunc mansion was built by the Szerémy family on in baroque style in the second half of the 18th century. Currently it houses a food shop. The former Topolcsányi mansion was built around 1750. Currently it houses the central offices of the cooperative. The former Luchkovitz mansion, the present village hall, was built in Baroque style in the late 18th century.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure of the village is fairly good. 80 % of the households are connected to the gas network completed in 1995. The village has an electricity and a piped water system. The collection of garbage is organized, the dump is in the outskirts of the settlement. There are a kindergarten, a primary school a gymnasium and two sports fields in the village. The village has its own culture house, in it a cinema and a library. Medical and dental facilities are provided. The self-government founded the hold peoples home in 1994.
Economy: The main products of the traditionally agricultural village are corn, potatoes and wheat.


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